
Little bit of this and that

I usually have lots of pictures on my blog but I think I'll make this one a general write up session on what my life's been like for the last little bit. First off, if you don't know, I've been kind of a widow for the last while. And it wouldn't be that terrible except I feel like that's been my whole time of Cody being in law school. If we actually get some decent time together it's tinged with the side thought that he should probably be working on something. And I'm gonna say right off that bat that while being at home with Gage is wonderful and I'm so glad to have my little boy in my life, I worry that poor Cody is working so much harder than any person should be expected to work. This summer he is working an internship with Jefferson County and while it's a miracle and a huge blessing he got in, he spends 2 or more hours everyday just getting to and from the courthouse. So he leaves at 6:30 in the morning and usually doesn't get home till 6 at night when often he has to pick up on work that needs to get done before the next day. On top of that he has school Wed nights for a few hours and a 6 hour Sat class right in the middle of the day. Plus I'm so busy on Sundays with my calling that we only get about half  that day together. And there isn't much of an end in sight. Graduation in December, 3 months of 10 hour days studying for the bar and then the first 2 or 3 years of his job he'll probably have to do extra hours and extra work since new employees always have to "climb the ladder". 

I guess it's a good things that I love Cody so much that I want to be around him all the time and I think it's really pushed us towards making sure our time together is fun and productive. Plus it has led to a much cleaner house since I have more freetime without Cody. And with this new baby coming I'll be so busy that this time will pass in a flash and soon I'll get my sweet husband back. In the meantime I'm getting ready for baby #2 and I really wish Gage hadn't come 3 weeks early. It's making me think that I'm going into labor all the time. If I'm like this for the next month I'm gonna drive myself crazy reading into things. And it's not that I want the baby out before he's ready and I understand that the more time he's in there the better but it doesn't stop the anxiousness I'm feeling to have the pregnant part of this experience over. I'm happy to report that there hasn't been any serious signs of carpel tunnel for which I can never be grateful enough. I can now understand how people can be pregnant so many times. It's uncomfortable but doable. If the carpel tunnel had come back I would have seriously considered having just the two. But I'm actually not totally miserable like last time. Gage is keeping me super active with trips to the pool, walks and just general wresting fun. Still no concept of how to be gentle with my belly but I never expected him to get that anyway. I've got a missionary lesson and home tonight with a great girl named Amanda. She's a great investigator and someone I would have killed to have taught on my mission. And then right after that some friends from the ward are coming over to hang out and watch a movie. 2 are single and one lost her husband to scout camp this week so it's an official girls night. Unfortunately with Gage but it can't be avoided. 

As for baby names for this new little one I'm leaning towards Asher Kelley Brower as one option and I also like Mason Hoyt Brower or some other name in the middle. I thought it would be neat that Gage Lynn have his dad's middle name and this next baby have a middle name from my side of the family. I also really like Kipton but I think I'll save that for the next boy, especially since I don't see this one being my last boy. I'm just a boy kind of a mom and I like it that way. We're not really waiting on seeing the baby or anything to pick the name for sure, it's just not really been finalized yet. So I'll let you all know if we go with one or those or something else for sure.  Well, long post everyone but that's just what I was in the mood for today. Gage managed to sleep for 3 hours and is just waking up so we can thank him for the length of this post. Love you all!


Bunny #2 and the Lake

Just some pictures I thought I'd add. Nothing much to report here other than I've had a bunch of contractions all week, which didn't happen with Gage but my doctor said can be normal with a second baby. I'm only dilated to a 1 and not effaced at all so she said I shouldn't worry about the baby coming any time soon. A huge relief off my shoulders since I don't feel mentally or physically prepared for him in any way. Cody and I toured one hospital tonight that does service to Kaiser patients but depending on how the tour goes with the other option I don't think we'll go with the one we saw tonight. They aren't contracted to give NICU treatment to Kaiser babies so if something goes wrong he'll have to be transferred to the other hospital anyway. So even though the one we saw tonight is closer and a lot nicer and newer, I just don't think it's worth the chance. The real bummer is that the other hospital is in the middle of downtown Denver so here's to hoping there isn't traffic when I go into labor. I feel like between my service in church, taking care of Gage and mostly having Cody gone that I have barely thought about this new baby coming. Maybe that's why he keeps giving me contractions. Kinda like saying, "hey mom I'm still in here!" Anyway, the new bunny we have is only 7 weeks old so I'm trying to teach Gage to be gentle with her when she's being held, in hopes that he'll learn to be gentle with the new baby. I sure hope this won't be a real indicator of how he is because he is so rough with that poor little bunny. And she is so much sweeter than the last one so I'm almost glad Tipsy killed him. Sad I know. My sister in law had her baby boy yesterday which means my other sister in law has her girl in another couple of weeks, then me a couple of weeks later, then my other sister in law has a girl in August and two months after that my other sister in law has her baby. That's right folks. 5 babies in 6 months. Busy day's on the Brower. I'm not going to say that they Kelley side is dropping the ball with pregnancies but . . . well a girl can hope. And guilt trip. And I'm not above bribery so let me know what could be convincing. Love you all!