These are a few pictures from a fun filled weekend we had. The one on the left is of me and my sister-in-law Kaylee who came up to visit (just days after a wonderful visit from Mom and Dad Brower- thanks for visiting!). It's was so fun having someone come up to visit us in Rexburg. Normally even those of us who live here are reluctant to come home after a trip. So for someone to volunteer to come up here was awesome.

The other pictures are from our last ditch effort to pretend that the winter isn't coming. It's wasn't a very good farce. It was super cold but we have lots of fun with Brian, Tamera and Creedance (next door neighbors). One of the highlights was when Cody shot a huge plastic die with a rifle and the thing shattered everywhere. The one piece that came right at us truned out to be where the bullet passed through so it was a bullet hole that looked awesome. Also pictured is the back of Creedance's truck with all the guns laid out. We all though that it made a really neat picture. We're such red necks! But it's lots of fun to set up targets and see how we'd do. I'm hoping to see some of you all next weekend in Logan. Exciting!