
horsey horsey on my way

Well for it only being (the white horse) Bean's second time out she did really well. We went out this morning for a fun ride in the hills and were suprised to find out that both the white and the bay horse did a great job. Bean's the little white one that I'm riding. The one Cody's on is named rouge for a strip of white hair in her mane. Other than a couple spookes at barbed wire and cow corpses, both horses did great and we're looking forward to taking them up in the mountains tomorrow. We've spent the last month or so just visiting bean every day, loungeing her and teaching her to behave as a horse should. We're hoping that she is pregnant and will have her foal may of next year. (don't worry that diagnosis doesn't apply to me :)

The waiting on a forest fire continues as we hope to make some money to carry us through the next semester of school. So if anyone has any "burning" pyotechnic desires to start a forest fire- well Cody and I would be indebted to you. :)


Becky, Ryan, Oliver, Amelie, and Nora said...

Oh I miss riding horses so much, can I ride yours? I still think Horses are so amazing, I would love to roam one in the hills of Hawaii one day on my farm:) It was so fun to see you guys, we love you!

Amanda said...

just give me the time and place and i'll be there with the matches =)