The homeless picture is something Cody found. i thought it was appropriate for this time. Below is a picture of Cody finally scrapping off the ice from our front porch. It all runs off the roof, ignores the rain gutter, and collects on the porch and steps. We almost had several friends die upon entering. Some of those said friends are featured in another picture from below. Now many had wrongly call Dungeons and Dragons a cultist game. It is nothing of the sort. For intstance the round we are playing below took place on a hand crafted pirate ship. Each level had boobie traps and different bad guys to take care of . Cody's friend put it together ( which I'm sure took him hours) but we all had a blast together. Me and Cody had matching pirate characters. Arrr, twas a fine game! Cody's cousin Brita is the girl, next to her is her brother Eric and next to Cody is the mastermind, John. Good people.
This weekend I'm heading to my sister-in-law's baby shower. I haven't even gotten her a gift yet but that will be remedied soon. I'm going to help out with the shower of my other sister-in-law who's due soon. She and her husband have been married 10 years and Cody's brother has been dying to have a kid the whole time so this is a very happy occasion. Love you all!