It's baby time!!! B-A-B-Why? Because it's going to be great! So for those of you who don't know Cody and I have been trying for a baby for awhile. Well I guess we did something right because I'm pregnant!

I found out at my sister-in-laws place and Cody didn't know yet so I thought I would do something fun to surprise him. Me and Amanda went to the dollar store and bought a congrats banner and a baby outfit and a "worlds greatest dad" balloon. Well, when I got home Cody was there so I snuck out to the horse barn and decorated with all of the stuff I bought. Cody was really busy so I came back into the house and did some dishes and made dinner and when he seemed a little less stressed I went outside and came running back in telling Cody that one of the mares had taken a huge bite off one of the foals ears. Well he comes running out (I can't believe I

kept a straight face) and as he comes around the corner I stand next to all the stuff waiting while he's frantically looking for the injury. He looked over to me and I said "Sweetheart, we're going to have a baby" and after a couple of exclamations of relief he pulled me into a hug. We are so excited for this little addition to our family! I was able to tell the Kelley clan all about us being prego this last weekend where we went down for Laura's first time through the temple. It's was so much fun being able to announce it to everyone at lunch. We then called Cody's family on our drive back up and they were so excited! So the due date looks to be about Feb 15th and I'm about 6-7 weeks along right now and believe me I feel it. I have about 6 hours out of each day that I don't feel sick. Thank goodness this part doesn't last the whole pregnancy!
So one story of being the emotional pregnant girl happened on the way to what I thought was my first appointment (turns out I was a month eary! I can't believe they won't see you till you are 2 months along! So dumb!) Anyway, we are on our way and Cody is complaining about his internship. They work him so hard and he has some really difficult people he works with so needless to say he can't stand it. So he's in kind of a bad mood and gets onto the topic of his Book of Mormon class that he has to take. Apparently his teacher is a really good guy but Cody gets swamped and doesn't want to go to the class. So he's talking about it and then there is a pause of a few minutes and then Cody says, "I just want to say that I know this is important to you but I just don't want to be here right now". So I turn to him, shock on my face and ask him how could he dare say that to me right now. Turns out he had been referring to what he wanted to tell his teacher but I thought that he was seriously saying that to me. Well he immidiately cleared up the misunderstanding but it was too late. I started sobbing in the car just because I thought he didn't want to be there and then he assured me how much he did want to be there which only made me cry harder. It was at least a few minutes before I could calm down and make it into the doctors office only to find out that I had mixed up the appointment date. What a drama! Talk about a sensitive pregnant girl!
Also below are some pictures a friend of mine took of the horses. I think they are so beautiful!