The first picture is of my super awesome garden that I've SLAVED over this summer. It survived 3 separate frosts and and even 2 snow storms! There were times I was just going to give up. Off to my left are my snow peas, radishes, califlower, and spinach (which I've already eaten and enjoyed!). To my right are the brocclii and sunflowers and in front are my carrots, lettece and onions. All in all it's a pretty good garden. Too bad I'm gonna have to leave most of it undone with the move happening at the beginning of August. Turns out that Cody starts law school a month sooner than we were anticipating. Instead of Sept 8th it starts Aug 8th. ooops! Guess I've really got my work cut out for me! At least Gage is cute as ever and doing great. He hardly notices the helmet anymore. What he loves to do now is to roll over. He pivots his whole body and flips over. The problem is that he gets there, realizes that he doesn't want to be there and then screams till someone comes to flip him. He'll have to get used to belly time cause I'm not going to walk him around all the rest of my life. He's already soooo heavy! In other news we just got done hanging out with friends this weekend and riding ATV's on the sand dunes. Don't worry- I didn't do anything crazy...(Dad)... so it was a total blast. Plus my friend Rachel had her little 2 month old boy with her and he's just the cutest. Anyway- everyone wish us luck with the move. Already I can't wait to get it done and it still isn't till the beginning of August. Talk about stress! Oh yeah- the video was taken just as Gage was trying to make some really cute sounds. He loves his tongue and is always sticking it out which creates tons of drool. It gets everywhere!