Summer days are the best

! Gage tried watermelon for the first time the other day and I can't keep him away from it since! He's especially fond of the rind which is weird but I could see him liking the texture of it. He's getting a summer tan going and he gets cuter and cuter in my eyes with every day that pasts. It's funny the natural "boyness" that comes to Gage. If it is dirty, sticky or smelly he's all over it. I got hassled by a man at the dog park for letting him run around armed with a stick in each hand and while I admit that letting him play with sticks is risky, I can't keep him away from them. I'd rather just keep him as safe as possible while letting him be the most adventurous kid he can. I'd hate to think how I would have turned out if my mom wasn't so great at letting me get into adventures and loving every minute of my life.
The picture of Cody's leg is from when he got kicked by a horse in Idaho. We went up there to help Cody's parents move and to get our baby horses transported to the horse breakers ranch. So while trying to lasso her and get her haltered Cody got kicked and she jumped, not so gracefully, over the fence. The bruises keep traveling and getting darker even now so we're gonna get him in for some x-rays I think. Until then he gets to be my little gimpy who hobbles around.