
Life with two

This is how Cody rocks being a father of two

Grandma Brower with the boys

Thought this was a cute hunk pictures of Gage. He looks so tough in this one!

I was glad that for once this wasn't me having to play this game.


Gage wanted to get in on an Asher photo sesh

Scheming his next great plot

I found about 40 pictures like this on the camera. Guess Gage was busy this morning. I think I have an aspiring photographer on my hands. Kinda a cute pic
Being a mother of two is still going pretty well. Thanks to TV Gage and I are making it though this rough patch. We've been taking little trips out everyday to test how long I can be out and how long Asher can stand being in this heat. I feel like I'm almost totally healed up which has made life much better over these last few days and I'm so glad that I'm heading to my parents the beginning of August. 100 degree weather just doesn't agree with me!
I sure love my little Asher. Already I can tell he has a very sweet and gentle personality. He doesn't cry very often except for the first 30 minutes after feeding. I think he has some reflux problems that I need to talk to his doctor about. But the weird thing is that he doesn't spit up which is a huge reflux tip off but the other signs are all there. We'll have to see. Nursing is going as well as I hoped it  would. I know this sounds cliche but I feel like all I do is feed him! And that's with 3 hours in between feedings so he's not eating too often. I just feel like I'm a walking bag of milk! The lack of sleep is pretty crappy but thank goodness for Gage's nap in the middle of the day. The only reason I can get up in the morning is cause I know that two hour nap break is coming up. I just hope Asher moves to four hour spaced feedings.
Cody's parents came last weekend to meet Asher and help out with Gage. It was so wonderful having them here and I loved the extra help. Gage just loved having his grandpa around to beat up. With my mom having been here, then Cody's parents and two weeks with my parents in August I'm feeling like this mother of two thing is actually going to work. Forget that getting into the car to go out takes 3 times as long, or that Gage has now hit Asher in the head with each of his toys or that I'm a walking Zombie. I love the moments of just sitting and adoring my little baby boy. Being a new mom is sometimes the worst and the best at the same time!


kelleyplus said...

I was a walking zombie for the longest time! You are doing fabulous darling Annie!

Kaiann said...

I know everyone says that three is the hardest, but i absolutely had the hardest time with two. Going from having some time to yourself to none killed me, and Colin was the best baby ever. Also I have to tell you again how much Asher and Elliana look alike, it blows my mind! I will have to post some pics on Facebook and see if you see any resemblances. Love you and miss you!

Kaiann said...

I know everyone says that three is the hardest, but i absolutely had the hardest time with two. Going from having some time to yourself to none killed me, and Colin was the best baby ever. Also I have to tell you again how much Asher and Elliana look alike, it blows my mind! I will have to post some pics on Facebook and see if you see any resemblances. Love you and miss you!

Leisha said...

Fun times! Thanks for posting the pictures:) Gage and Asher are so cute and I miss them.

Kyerra said...

Such cute boys!!!