
Hooray for friends who won't let you miss out on a sleepover! So I thought my sleepover days were finished when I got married but I managed to break away from my sweet husband to go up to Island Park and stay the night with my dear friend carrie. We stayed up watching scary movies and she fortunatley agreed to share the bed (I don't like the idea of having a bed to myself now that I'm married). So all in all it was a lovely night followed by an awesome halloween party with the browers the following night. Cody won the best costume contest! I went as a druid and he went as a swiss alps lad of sorts. Pictures will be upcoming but I'm at work so I can't post any right now, just what I pull off of facebook. So I'll write a bunch more about the halloween party and Cody's birthday party a little later.


andrea said...

Oh, I so wish we could have a sleepover! Mafia would be present.

Unknown said...

Sleep overs are the best!