In other news last week was the big Brower Family Reunion in Pocatello and it sure was a blast. cody comes from a family that lives for yearly reunions and the most distant of relatives always show up at them which means that I spent half my time just learning peoples names. The theme was Midevil Times and was complete with bicycle jousting and archery. The main event however was the pig roast. Bought alive the previous day and slaughtered that night the whole family pitched in and took turns spining it above the fire for 16 hours straight. Well let me tell you that me and my pregnant self could not walk past the thing without feeling like I was going to throw up. It's funny because amidst the Browers I'm known as the animal lover so everyone was really worried about me being upset but as long as I wasn't near the thing I was fine. Needless to say I did not eat it when it was done (although that was more due to feeling pregnant sick more than anything). Next year the theme is Star Wars and Cody and I are going to take care of the first days events leading an adventure called "escape from the Star Destroyer". I'll be using all of my badger creek knowledge to do it. Cody and I are even going to build a huge wooden wall at the camp site for a portion of the course. I'm pumped!