Sorry it's taken forever for me to get a new post together. Unfortunately the pictures are about a week old but that just means that you'll get to see the full development of little Gage Lynn when I post some more and he looks a bunch older. He's had several complications in the last couple of weeks and Cody and I are finally pretty sure that we've worked out all of his problems. He had to go through some thrush treatment and is now pretty much over that. Luckily he's been eating from the bottle so I didn't get infected. I thought that was the reason for his fussiness but it wasn't getting better. He would have horrible gas that would leaving him thrashing in pain and crying for hours. Turns out that he is infant lactose intolerant. His tummy can't break down the lactose which makes it ferment in his stomach and really hurts him. It was always especially bad after the first hour or so after eating. He would also have diarrhea all day and we would be changing diapers about every half an hour or so which also lead to a horrible diaper rash. After some research we decided to try and switch him to lactose free formula and ta da! He's been a completely different baby. No more crying, no more painful hours of grunting and passing gas. But that means that I'll probably stop feeding him breast milk and move him to formula. Breast milk has an even higher concentration of lactose than normal formula. There is a medicine that exists that helps a baby break down lactose that you can add to breast milk but even then there is only about a 50% chance that it will work. So I know it's not what I wanted and unfortunate that it hasn't worked out but I'm going to move him to full time formula. I'm just so relieved that he is doing so much better. A mom never wants to see her baby in constant pain.
Sadly we didn't figure out what was wrong until after we tried to take his newborn pictures so we pretty much got a lot of pictures of his sweet little crying boo face. I made the wrong move and tried to calm him with lots of breast milk, which I'm sure was just hurting him more. Poor little guy. I just can't wait to get some of my sleep back. One of the pictures below is Cody on the floor with Gage. We pretty much fall asleep everywhere and anywhere when we get the chance. Cody is such a sweetheart and takes Gage for most of the night so I'm able to get some much needed sleep. It's a good move on his part cause he does great on little sleep whereas I am a total grump and not fun to be around without sleep. Gage keeps getting more and more cute each day! I love my little boy! His eyes are really beginning to take on a beautiful blue and he is looking more like Cody with every day that passes. We've also discovered that he loves coming into the shower with us. As long as we are holding him he enjoys the streams of water and licks the water off his lips. He's getting chubby and is developing quite the double chin. I think he was being overfed for a bit because one symptom of Lactose intolerance is that babies will over eat to try and get comfort from the pain which just makes it worse cause more milk blocks up in his stomach. No more feedings every hour or two! Good thing! I can't wait to get the newborn pictures back next week. I'll be sure to post them the day I get them.
Law school wise here's a list of the schools Cody has gotten into. University of Idaho, University of Denver, Dayton University in Ohio, a school on Long Island in New York, two different law schools in Minasotta, and I think he's on a waiting list for one in Illinois. So we are still waiting to hear from some Cali schools and also university of Utah. Cody applied to 19 all together so hopefully we'll have some options open. We don't really know where we'd like to go so if anyone has a preference speak out now! I'll keep everyone updated when we find out more. Love you all!