Happy 8 weeks old! Gage is growing so fast and is starting to show a lot of expression in his face. We got some priceless pictures today and a video of one of his biggest burp yet. Mom bought this brown and white striped onesie and I believe it is the cutest thing that has every graced his wardrobe. Cody and I also sat down and made a huge list that broke down all of the law schools that we are considering. There is one in Dayton Ohio that starts in May and they need to know tomorrow if we are going. We decided to take it out of the run just because I'm not that excited about Cody taking off soon to start and I would have to stay behind with Gage to close things up at work for a couple of months. I know Cody would love to get going on his law education but I'm just not ready for our hang out time to end. Our list today was packed with pro's and con's of each law school and the break down was as follows:
University of DenverTuition: $35,500 a year
Scholarship: $17,000 a year
Living Expenses: 17,400 a year
Total 3 year cost: $107,700
: best ranked, cheap housing, horses can come, great area, only 16 hrs from LA and 9 hrs from Montpelier.
Golden Gate University
Tuition: $38,100 a year
Scholarship: $30,000 a year
Living Expenses: $24,000
Total 3 year cost: $96,000
Info: Close to Leah and Steve, beautiful city, expensive apartments (so no home), cost of living high, 6 hrs from LA and 14 hrs from Montpelier, horses can't come, great honors program
University of IdahoTuition: $11,800 a year
Scholarship: $4,000 a year
Living Expenses: $10,742
Total 3 year cost: $55,700
Info: Beautiful area, cheap housing, no family nearby :( , fast track program that graduates 6 months earlier, 20 hrs from LA and 14 hrs from Montpelier
University of Dayton
: $32,400 a year
Scholarship: $5,000 a year
Living Expenses: $15,000 a year
Total 2 year cost: $86,000
Info: 2 year program, very friendly staff and professors, totally new area w/ new adventures, starts in May 2010, needs to know by March 15th... tomorrow, 1 day and 11 hrs from LA and 1 day and 2 hrs from Montpelier.
So you can see that we have some cheap options and some pretty expensive options also. University of Denver is the best ranked school of the whole list but is also the most expensive while Dayton is only 2 years instead of 3 but it starts in May which is frankly just a little too soon. Today I think we decided that Dayton probably isn't going to happen which leaves us with Denver, Moscow Idaho or San Francisco. That isn't even counting Pepperdine, UC Davis or U of U because we haven't heard from them yet. We were a little off about San Francisco thinking that it was a full ride but we had been looking at tuition projections that were 2 years old. Still just $8,000 a year isn't bad! It sure is hard making a decision like this cause the prudent Mormon's in us would just go for the cheaper option of U of I. Think about it- that's $30,000 we could put towards a house payment rather than sinking into law school. But then again we would really like to try living in another state just for the adventure of it all. So yeah- we have a lot of very hard decisions coming up. Anyway- if anyone has any suggestions please feel free to call me and tell me.