I have been so negligent with my blogging so here are a couple of updates just to show everybody what we've been up to. I've found recently that my life consists of walks. They keep the kid from crying and most importantly they keep the puppy from going crazy and taking her energy out on my stuff. So we average at least two walks a day so that's what all my pictures are of. It's getting cooler and cooler here in Denver and the leaves changing are absolutely beautiful. Gage has been a pill for the last week waking up a ton and then we finally figured out that it was because Tipsy would be in his room at night sleeping and she get these nightmares that make her woof really softly. I guess Gage could hear her and would wake up at the same time. He also had tummy problems that whole week but we kicked Tipsy out of his room just in case. We are both much happier and more rested now.

So two stories for this blog. The first story I had to get specific permission from Cody to share but I thought it was so funny that we couldn't keep it to ourselves. There have been many things that have been so different from living in the county and this one takes the cake. Cody decided that he needed a hair cut so he goes into a salon close to the metro he rides to school. It seems normal enough with a front desk waiting area and hair cutting cubbies off the the side. The women informs him that she is the manager and the only one cutting hair at the time so she would be his stylist. So, after sitting Cody down and putting the apron thing on him she excuses herself to go change into her hair cutting clothes as she can't cut his hair in "these clothes." What she changes into can only be very loosely described as clothes. Much to Cody's horror she comes strutting out in a lingerie outfit, scissors in hand. Cody was so flustered and embarrassed that he totally blanked. It only took moments for the hair cutter to realize his discomfort and Cody said that she became just as uncomfortable. You may ask what kind of conversations someone would have in a situation like this? Me. He told her about me the whole time which I'm sure sent the straight message of "I'm a married man" as loud as he could. Finally the hair cut ended and she told him that there was a complimentary back rub from the saloons masseuse (also dressed in like manner) which Cody quickly declined. I should probably be offended that some women would dress like that around my husband but if you understood Cody's utter discomfort with situations like that you could see the funny side of it. I can just imagine someone like Pete or Brian getting into something like that and freaking out too. Poor Cody. Needless to say he will not be returning.
My second story is not something really funny but it was a first for me so here we go. Cody and I found a free piano on Craigslist so I rented a U-Haul trailer to go and pick it up. Leaving the parking lot I went to turn onto the main road and out of no where two teenage kids fly in front of my car coming down the side walk. I slam on my breaks, just clipping the second kids back tire, knocking him to the ground. I jumped out and helped him up. He said he was not hurt at all and that his bike looked fine and just then the person coming down the road jumped out of her car yelling at the boy to get my info because he had been the victim of a horrible accident. The boy assured her that he was fine and then she started yelling at me to call the police and take responsibility for what I had done. She threatened that if I didn't call them she would. The kid told her he really didn't want the police called cause he was fine and no damage done. The women finally got in her car and took off in disgust. I really feel bad about knocking the kid over but wow, that women was crazy. After she left the kid asked if I was going to call the police and I said it was up to him. He said no and took off with his friend. So I have now joined the terrible club of those who have hit kids with their cars. I couldn't believe it happened and that the women was so crazy about the whole thing. I can understand being concerned but being that aggressive just didn't fit the situation. Crazy lady.
Anyway- the last video is Gage doing his crawling/ inching/ disco "worm"ing. It gets him around and every day he figures it out a little bit more. I'm so proud of him. It's a big body to have to lug around!