I decided to have just a few of my favorite things in this post. First, I love how attentive Cody is as a dad. He comes home late from work and school and still reads Gage a bedtime story. It's been such a help since we've been double teaming the baby and Gage for the most part. I don't know what I'd do without him! And I think Gage is finally starting to give Cody some real attention. In the past he's been a bit mom obsessed but the tide is turning and he's realizing what a blast a day can be.

Secondly I LOVE Gage! He has become such a funny kid to mother. There are so many times during the day when I think to myself "he's my kind of kid". For instance, he was playing with the bunny while I constructed a barrier fence so the dogs would stay off the grass while it grew. Notice the dogs didn't make it on my list of favorite things this week. There's a reason. Sigh. Anyway, Gage thought it would be great to not only take the bunny inside but to tuck her into Asher's bed. Makes total sense right. The crazy thing is that the bunny isn't all that well behaved. She scratches like crazy (you can see a cut on his face, not to mention a ton on his arms) but to Gage it's all worth it to play with the bunny. I know how hard he plays because she's freaking out when I take her out of the cage and she's nearly limp with exhaustion when I put her back. He sure loves his bunny.

Lastly I of course love my little baby so much! He is just the light of my life right now and even though he still drives me nuts sometimes I just love the companionship he gives me throughout the day. I gave him a bath during Gage's nap time today and he just loves soaking in the warm water. Just like his mom. He did get pretty fed up with picture time by the end. I don't know how I got lucky enough to have such a laid back kid. He rarely cries and loves nothing more than to snuggle the day away. I can't wait to get to know him more!