Well we have had a few busy weeks here at the Brower home! Gage seems to be coming up with something new everyday! Sitting up, grabbing and eating food, pulling himself up the railing on his crib and screaming bloodly murder when he realizes that he can't get down. So many fun things! Cody also turned 29 a couple of weeks ago and I wanted to say thanks to everyone who got their birthday wishes to Cody. I love him so much and can not believe the effort he is putting into Law school right now. We're talking 12 hour days at school which really gets him down sometimes. He works so hard to take care of Gage and I and we couldn't be prouder! We also had our awesome friends down from Idaho this last weekend and had a blast with them. It was so nice to hang out with friends that you have history with and you don't have to do all that get to know you stuff. So thanks to garage sales I've acquired a new truck and rocking horse for Gage, both of which he loves. He likes the truck more because of the more stable hand holds but as you can see he's a natural on a horse. Well, at least he is till Tipsy licks his face and he falls off the horse! He has fluctuated between waking up 4 times a night at times to not waking up at all (like the last two nights) so I can't rightly says what his nights are usually like. What a great feeling to wake up at 6:30 and realize that the bottle you set out for the night is still there. If not for the bottle I would just figure I got up with him and didn't remember. He's finally beginning to realize that his parents are pretty cool. He'll actually tolerate an occasional snuggle (and not just when he's asleep and we sneak in his room) and I think he's starting to get excited when he sees me. Halloween wasn't bad even though none of us dressed up. Lets be honest- if I can't get candy out of dressing up whats the point? Maybe next year. We did go to a trunk or treat and give out candy but with our Idaho friends visiting I wanted to just spend time with them and not worry as much about Halloween. The videos are from any given time in the last two weeks. I've been a total blogging slacker but I still wanted to get them up cause some are really cute. I'll miss all you Kelley's at Thanksgiving! Can't wait to see you Browers! Love you all!
Mother's Day
9 years ago
Wow good job Gage, your just about there with the crawling. I love how he fell right on his face and it didn't even phase him. Thanks for all the wonderful pictures and videos Annie! Can't wait for Christmas.
I love the garage sale finds. I should have gotten a truck thing like that for Carson when he was littler. His friend had one and he just loved it. I'm glad you were able to visit with old friends. We'll miss you at Thanksgiving!!
I love your blog! Every day I look hoping you did an update. Your dining room is pretty! As for Gage crawling and sitting, that is exciting. I bet he is getting into mischief now. I can't wait to get a hold of that little guy. See you Thanksgiving:)
I enjoyed the pics and the updates. Gage is definitely growing and getting cuter and cuter! *^^*
What a nice little wife you are. I had this random dream about Gage. You guys came to visit and he looked totally different. I was like "thats not Gage?"
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