
Visit from friends

We had some friends come down last weekend from Idaho and we had a total blast. The best part was just getting visited in the first place! Being in Denver means not getting visited very often so I was thrilled to have Rachel, Jesse, Kim and Josh visit (and also Jesse's cousin and GF). While all us girly folk went to the relief society broadcast the boys went to a UFC fight in downtown and apparently had a blast. Gage and Atreyu had a lot of fun and we're super cute together. They're still at the age where they don't really "play" together but there was plenty of stealing, crying and biting going on so I consider that interaction of a sort. We also went the the denver aquiarium and it was a really neat place. Wish I had brought my camera! And it made me miss the ocean all the more! All in all it was an awesome weekend that really reminded me that I've got wonderful friends who love me so much!

In other news I'm sure everyone saw on facebook but my phone got toasted. Gage has been watching me put things in the oven for awhile now and just recently started "helping" me take care of things. I hadn't seen my phone for most of the day...never a good sign... and decided to make corn dogs. After about 5 mins of the oven heating up I smelled something plastic burning. I thought it would be one of his plastic building blocks but was very disappointed to see my phone in their bubbling from the heat. It's his first time putting anything in there and I can't believe I was unlucky enough for it to have been my phone. At least we're phasing out of Sprint so this is my chance to get a new phone on a new plan. Oh well!


Leisha said...

That little rascal. I can see a future of hide-and-seek:)

Silvesters said...

Wow!!!! That is insane!!!