Keeping up with the Jones'. Love that little bum! |
Sometimes all a kid needs is his dog, his banana to eat and his right to be naked. I love that they're such good friends. Sometimes they just sit and cuddle. It's the only reason I keep her around. |
Just a nice shot of Tipsy. She loves having us outside in the nice weather. |
Things have been pretty normal around here. Gage has been doing a great job of combining words together which is so exciting to me and his speech therapists. Sometimes it's totally voluntary and I gets me so excited! His vocabulary is really growing and I think he's beginning to see the appeal in communicating. He's been asking to go swimming everyday and when I'm up to it I take him but really it's the most exhausting thing in the world. Simply swimming around or enjoying the water playground at the pool isn't enough. He has to be jumping in and out of the water constantly and he prefers to do it without a life jacket on. He gets a lot of comments asking how old he is and how I got him so comfortable in the water. I can't take credit- he just lives for swimming. So pretty much it's really exhausting to keep up with him with my belly getting huge and his energy being boundless. But I don't mind because I know it will equal him learning to swim sooner and then I'll be able to get a needed break. Actually, I'll be chasing my next boy by then so it never really stops.
Gage is about 2 weeks into potty training and still has not pooped in the toilet. Yeah, it's a roadblock a bunch of my friends have gone through and I'm not sure how to move on from here. No accidents of pooping on the carpet this last week but he prefers to head to the backyard to poop which also doesn't lead to him using the toilet. He just doesn't like sitting on the toilet. But I'd like to stick with it cause already I'm saving money on diapers and I know he has it in him to understand the whole thing. He's a champ at peeing in the toilet as long as he's naked. If he's wearing anything on his bottom half he'll have accidents. Meanwhile he loves running around mostly or completely naked and hates getting into either clothes or diapers now. Good thing it's summer temperatures outside!
My pregnancy is going well and I'm at the point of either needing a body pillow or getting my own bed because sleep is getting uncomfortable. I've only gained 10 pounds so far in the pregnancy which disappoints my doctors but I'm pretty happy about that. If I can get out of this thing having only gained 25 pounds I'd be thrilled. It would certainly be a lot better than the 40 I gained with Gage! This boy is just like Gage where he sits really high on me and spends most of his time digging his toes into my ribs. Sometimes I realize that I'm barley breathing because it's so uncomfortable and I shift and push on my belly till he gets out of that position. I'm getting so excited to meet him and I think I'm way more excited than I ever was with Gage because now I know that I'm truly growing a little personality in me. Before I just got caught up in the newborn baby thing. But since I don't actually like newborns as much as I thought I would I'm thinking of this little guy as the fun toddler he's gonna be. Mostly I want to know if he'll look like Gage or if I'll have a brunette. That way maybe someone will believe that he looks like me. All we ever get in public is how much Gage looks like Cody so I'm done with being overlooked. My time is now!
Cody is 2 weeks away from finishing up this semester and I'm so proud of him. It's a lot of work and he does such a good job balancing his family needs with his school needs. Truthfully the family needs probably win out over school needs more than should happen but I love getting Cody to myself sometimes :) He spent all day scheming and talking me into getting rid of our popcorn ceilings sometime in the next little bit and even though we don't really have time to do it I still love that we can be such project people. It really is so fun to do projects together and we've learned so much about communication through it. Our first few projects were riddled with short tempers and hurt feelings but now we do projects without so much as an eye rolling incident. I'd recommend it to any marriage. It's a blast. A part of me would like to spend another 5 years in this house just so we can enjoy getting it just perfect. Well see. Only a year left here for sure and then it's wherever the wind takes us but I know it will all work out in the end.