Cody had them make the cake out to mom so it was only fitting that Gage help me blow out the candles. Chocolate icecream cake from Dairy Queen...to die for!!! There were a lot of left overs and I might gain my remaining 10 pregnancy pounds from the cake alone! |
Here's the bunny from the neighbors. We've tossed around the name Baxtor, Darth, Skelotor and Sauron. His face looks like a skull when you see him straight on so we thought a fearsome name would be appropriate. |

And for the coolest sidewalk pick up... Gage has a toddler bed to transition into! I wasn't going to spend the money on a toddler bed and planned to just move him to a twin right away instead but on our walk this morning one of the neighbors had this out for trash pick up. When I knocked on the door to ask for it he said I was welcome to the mattress and buss lightyear sheets that go with it. The sheets are in the wash so they're not in the picture but this toddler bed is strangely the exact one I would have picked out for Gage if I had spent money on it. His whole room has dark wood for the cowboy theme and I love the sleigh build of it. It's super stable and I just threw a little wood glue in one section where the wood was splitting. I love Denver for this. It is so easy to find free/ cheap things around here. Anyway, I love a good deal and I love being able to fill my house with the things I want even though we're living as students. I'm gonna maybe see if Gage will start by doing his naps in there since I'm not sure I want to give him the freedom to call on me at anytime in the night.
As for the new bunny we found a bunny about a week ago and kept him while trying to find the owners. He was just hanging out in front of our house all day and I convinced Cody to help me catch it. We have foxes and coyotes around here that would have eaten him up in a second. The neighbor a few houses down was the owner and when we gave the bunny back I said how sad I was to give him back cause he was so sweet. I was so glad to help out because she had just explained to her 4 year old the night before that Sammy the bunny was probably in heaven and they would have to get a new one. I was happy to be a part of a kid getting a happy reunion. She said he uncle might have another one that we could have and she would check for us. The bunnies were hand raised since the mom had died or something so that explained why it was so gentle. A couple of days later she came back with a bunny for us and I'm excited for the hutch that Cody and I are building for him. There's still some debate about what to name him so we're open to suggestions. He's a more wild than his brother we were taking care of so I'm hoping with some work and time we'll be able to get him to the point the other bunny was at. Tipsy, our dog, is so "devoted" to that rabbit that she won't let it out of her sight. She sleeps outside all night to be with it and I know she's just waiting for me to slip up and let it lose so she can tear it to bits. We let her chase wild rabbits and I think she is really convinced I'll let her have this one soon. Never trust a dog!
Potty training is still working out. He's now had pants on for a couple of days with only two wetting incidents and he's been doing really well on our excursions out of the house. I need to get some pull ups cause we head out with a diaper on and it is really hard to get it back on every time he uses the bathroom. We have also figured out some pretty clever ways to use the public bathrooms since Gage will pee standing up. Usually he has to stand on my knees but the occasional trash can comes in handy too. There are about 5 false poop alarms a day and I'm not sure he knows the signs of his body very well but at least he's calling out an alarm which is more than he used to do. I've been having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions lately which is weird cause I don't remember any with Gage but I most likely couldn't recognize them for what they were back then. The belly is getting bigger and the energy and patience are starting to nose dive. I just hope Gage forgives me for the occasional outbursts. Cody is working hard at finals so I don't get to see as much of him as I'd like and I'm hoping his summer internship will at least be more low key than his legal clinic has been this semester. He's such a hard worker and I know all his hard work will pay off. Hopefully with a job offer out of school but we'll just have to cross that road when we get there.