
One year of Marriage!

Well it's the one year mark since that memorable wedding day in Logan! And I'm happy to say that we made it through without any flu symptoms or Kidney Stones. I know, such an accomplishment! We taught our lesson at church and made a delicious pork and rice dinner. Below is the cake I put together to honor the occasion and might I say it turned out delicious. Well baby horse update- the second foal still hasn't been born yet so we are on pins and needles for something to happen. The mare is so huge that we are afraid it will get to the point that the baby will just decided it's a lot cozier in there and never come out. Dumb horses. Speaking of crazy horses- Cody and I are trying to teach our baby horse Coco to be led with a rope. You'd think you could just pull and she'd go but you've never seen such a freak out as Coco. When we pull on the rope she goes all crazy and usually ends up on the ground. So the best way we've figured out is to lead her mom around and also lead Coco so she gets used to following but has the added incentive of following mom. So far so good. We might actually make a horse out of her some day. She's been doing the cutest thing of mimicking her mom. When mom eats she pushes the food around, rubbing her nose in it and chewing to make it look like she's eating too. And when mom goes to get a drink of water she sticks her nose in and swirls the water around. She want's so bad to be a grown up. I'm sure that will happen all too soon!

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