Ok everyone. First off let me just acknowledge how bad of a blogger I am and secondly I wanted to wish my new niece a happy birthdate. Becky had her a few days ago and everyone says that Becks was a total pro. Click on to her blog for a full account. I'll be going home this next weekend for a wedding so it'll be great to see her. Anyway, for those of you who didn't know it Cody and I never took our honeymoon cruse due to a horrible kidney stone attack so we've been sitting on $700 dollars worth of cruse line credit and we finally got to use it at the end of August. These are some pictures from that trip. We were lucky enought to have some really awesome people at our dinner table whom we ended up spending a great majority of the cruse with. We travled to Catalina Island and Ensenada Mexico. The food was great and morning sickness only made itself known once (honey dew just happened to be a bad breakfast choice that day :) Plus I got to use my spanish skills to help us save over $50 to get to a great beach. I talked to some locals and they told us which city buses to use to get there. So we spent about $3 to get to a beautiful beach that was completly void of turists and a taxi wanted to take us for over $50. How dumb did they think we were?

Another classic part of the cruse was the Kareoke (spelling?) nights which made up that majority of our evenings. I LOVE Kareoke and Cody had never done it before so after much coaxing and encouragement Cody finally did it and to his surprise people loved it. The next day we had three different strangers come up and tell Cody that his preformance was their favorite that night. Cody was mostly embarassed but also flattered I think. Anyway- I've got about two more things to update on this blog but I'll spread it out since my dear faithful Cannon powershot finally kicked the bucket today after years of faithful service to me. Just as I was going outside to take a picture of the first snow! Terrible timing I know!
Also quick baby update- Things are going ok. I'm slowly starting to learn what I can and can't do (and also learning what things other people think I can and can't do). Like trying to help move a new recliner into the house and Cody wouldn't even let me help a little. Or the fact that picking up things has now moved to crouching down to grab what I need rather than bending at the waist and simply picking it up. I've been having a problem with getting some of those Hicks contractions lately and as a result I make sure that I'm not pushing my body to far or fast. Plus they're uncomfortable so they have made it to my top list of things to dislike about pregnancy. I'm feeling him move a lot now and have almost been able to get Cody's hand on my tummy fast enough so he can feel him too. And by the way he is most definatly a boy. The second ultrasound confirmed it. I'll put up the pictures when I get a chance next. Ok- that just about does it for me. I miss you all and love you so much!